海外风情系列:Michael and Me 我和乔丹


Michael and Me

MOST PEOPLE APPRECIATE[1] MICHAEL JORDAN as a premier[2] athlete who can run fast, jump high and routinely deliver in the clutch[3]. To them, he's simply physically superior[4] to his contemporaries.

APPRECIATE[1].ap-=ad=+preciate  vt, vi鉴赏;欣赏;赏识
A sensitive mouth is necessary to appreciate good wine.
premier[2].adj 首要的
clutch[3].(pl) 控制;掌握;权力
in the clutches of the enemy 落入敌手
superior[4].来自拉丁词 superus 的比较级 superior

All this is true, but there are other truths about Michael that are not so easily seen: his understanding of team concepts, his competitive drive[1] and his compassion. It's these hidden truths that form the deepest bond between Michael and me.

He's clever but he won't succeed beause he lacks drive.

I must confess[1] to being spoiled by Michael's leadership and by his ability to rise to every competitive occasion. He could easily average around 30 points a game, but he's committed to team goals and to making his teammates more effective.

I confess to being considering starting a new project.

After coaching him for eight seasons, I still marvel[1] at how much Michael's enthusiasm[2] energizes us, even at practice. I mean he never takes a day off. As a player, I had only modest skills, so I always had to operate at a maximum effort to compete. His work ethic is an important personal bond between us.

marvel[1].v.(与at, that连用)对…感到惊奇
We marvelled at his skill.
enthusiasm[2].n. 狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物

The one thing about Michael is, he takes nothing about his game for granted. When he first came to the NBA back in 1984, he was primarily a penetrator. His outside shooting wasn't up to pro[1] standards. So he put in his gym time during the off-season, shooting hundreds of shots each day. Eventually, he became a deadly three-point shooter.


Playing outstanding[1] defense didn't come automatically to him, either. He had to study his opponents, learn their favorite moves and then dedicate himself to learning the techniques necessary to stop them. He's worked extremely hard to perfect his footwork and his balance.

outstanding[1].n. out-出stand站+-ing…的;“站出来的”→ adj 杰出的;著名的


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